Kiana Petro Energy Company

Kiana Petro Energy Company” operates as a successful company in the fields of “design and engineering,” “construction and production,” “supply of equipment for power, oil, gas, petrochemical, and various industries,” and “installation and commissioning.”

Among the specialized products of this company, you can find various cooling towers or cooling towers, oil removal systems from water, various types of boilers, and desuperheater systems.

Main Office:

No. 303 (2nd Floor), Zafar St. (Dastgerdi), Africa Blv., Tehran, IRAN
Telefax: (0098) (+21) 88208255

Factory :

Javan alley, Khazar Blvd, Kargar Square ,Fannavari Square, Phase 2, Parand Industrial Zone, Saveh Highway, Tehran, IRAN


Contact us by sending the following form:

Main Office